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What Is the Title Case Converter?

Title case converter tool is a simple, easy-to-use tool that ensures your titles and headlines are properly capitalized according to guidelines from leading professional organizations.

Unlike a sentence case converter, which only capitalizes the first letter of only the first word and proper nouns, each style of capitalization in title case differs slightly, but all involve capitalizing major words in a title, including the first word, proper nouns, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs (rules vary on how the last word should be capitalized).

Words that are usually left uncapitalized include articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions(and, but, for), and prepositions with fewer than four letters (on, at, to, from) unless they start or end a title.

Using this tool can make the editing process much simpler for any writer on almost any type of document. Now, you can run your title through our converter to quickly and easily create a publishable title that will improve the readability and appearance of headlines, titles, and headers across different types of content. This converter can also be used for titles of books, movies, songs, plays, and other works.

How Does the Title Case Converter Work

Our title capitalizer will automatically incorporate the rules of the selected capitalization style, so you can get your desired title formatted by following these simple steps.

  • Simply type or paste your text into the box on the left-hand side.
  • Choose your desired capitalization style (AP, APA, Chicago).
  • Our smart title capitalization tool will do the rest, providing accurate and customizable results.
  • The capitalized title on the right can now easily be copied and pasted to your document.

Explanation of the Various Title Capitalization Rules

Since style guides differ slightly in their rules, it's important to choose a consistent style for your content. Our converter offers these popular capitalization styles: AP, APA, Chicago, and Wikipedia.

A brief description of the differences found in our styles is listed below for your reference:

Associated Press (AP)

The AP style capitalization is widely used throughout journalism.

  • Capitalizes all words with four or more letters, including those after a hyphen.
  • Capitalizes both parts of a hyphenated word except if it is the second word in a compound modifier (e.g., Mid-year or On-site).
  • Capitalizes "to" as part of an infinitive as in "To Run".

American Psychological Association (APA)

APA style capitalization is mainly used for scholarly articles.

  • Capitalizes all words with four or more letters.
  • Capitalizes each word in a hyphenated compound word.
  • The last word may not be capitalized in some cases.

Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago)

Chicago style is most often used for headline capitalization in journalism.

  • Lowercase prepositions (regardless of length) unless they are used adverbially or adjectivally.
  • Capitalizes subordinate conjunctions.
  • Capitalizes all words in a hyphenated compound except if the second word is a prefix, article, preposition, or coordinating conjunction.
  • Lowercase "to" as part of an infinite, as in "to run".

Wikipedia (Wiki)

Wikipedia's Manual of Style provides guidelines for writing and editing articles on Wikipedia to ensure consistency and clarity.

For article titles:

  • Capitalize the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns.
  • Use sentence case, which means only the first word and any proper nouns are capitalized.

For section headings within articles:

  • Capitalize the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns.
  • Do not capitalize second and subsequent words unless they are proper nouns or proper adjectives.
  • Use sentence case, following the same principle as article titles.


As the name suggests, this style capitalizes each word without exceptions, also known as proper case.

Sentence case

This style capitalizes only the first word of the sentence.

Why You Should Use the Title Case Converter

A title case capitalization tool is an essential aspect of writing and content creation. With our converter, you can focus on creating high-quality content rather than worrying about title case rules. Mastering title capitalization has never been easier, thanks to our tool.

Our converter helps ensure consistency and professionalism in your writing, saving time and effort by providing accurate title capitalize results with minimal effort. You can trust our tool to deliver accurate results most of the time.


The titles provided here may not always be 100% accurate. We aim for consistency and correctness, but some variations may occur due to the complexity of the styles and exceptions. Please refer to the specific style guides for precise information to avoid errors. By using this tool, you agree that we are not responsible for any inaccuracies that may arise.